Comparison Operators : 비교 연산자

그녀는애교쟁이 2013. 8. 27. 15:55



=, EQ

Equal: True, if the content of operand1 matches the content of operand2.

<>, NE

Not Equal: True, if the content of operand1 does not match the content of operand2.

<, LT

Lower Than: True, if the content of operand1 is smaller than the content of operand2.

>, GT

Greater Than: True, if the content of operand1 is greater than the content of operand2.

<=, LE

Lower Equal: True, if the content of operand1 is lower than or equal to the content of operand2.

>=, GE

Greater Equal: True, if the content of operand1 is greater than or equal to the content of operand2.

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